User area
User area
Blizzlike realm
Blizzlike realm
Start player level: 1
Max player level: 80
Max professions: 4
Rate.xp.kill: 3 (for a limited time) 3 (for a limited time)
Rate.explore: 3 (for a limited time)
Anticheat system: Active
Bg crossfaction system: Active
Item transmog: Active
Time online reward: Active
this realm need this patch file for some vendors : patch-h.mpq
copy into your wow client data folder
for example D:\wow335\Data
and delete your cache folder D:\wow335\cache
set realm list:
PvP realm
PvP realm
Start player level: 80
Max professions: 4
Anticheat system: Active
Bg crossfaction system: Active
Item transmog: Active
this realm need this patch file : patch-6.mpq
copy into your wow client data folder
for example D:\wow335\Data
and delete your cache folder D:\wow335\cache
set realm list:
Realm update 1
Server rates are high for a limited time Hurry up to get the first Realm achievements
and Max professions isĀ 4